First B2 Englisch Privatkurs - Luzern
Das B2 First (FCE) ist eine anerkannte Cambridge Englischqualifikation und entspricht der Stufe B2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER).
Die Richard’s English School ist eine offizielle Cambridge-Partnerschule. Unsere CELTA-zertifizierten Englischlehrkräfte begleiten Sie in privaten Englischkursen kompetent und sicher auf Ihrem Weg zum Diplom.
Der Privatkurs findet in der Luzerner Neustadt an der Obergrundstrasse 98, nahe der Pauluskirche, statt. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne über das Formular, um eine unverbindliche Probelektion zu vereinbaren.

What’s in the paper?
There are seven parts in the Reading and Use of English paper. First, there are three short texts with different tasks. You have to complete the gaps with different kinds of words. The fourth part doesn’t use a text. You have to rewrite sentences in a different way. Parts 5–7 all have texts and comprehension tasks. First there is one long text with eight multiple choice questions, then a gapped text which you must complete by choosing the correct sentence, and a multiple-matching task. There is a wide range of different texts and all of them are about topics of general interest; you don’t need any specialist knowledge to understand them.
What’s in the paper?:
The Writing paper has two parts. The first is compulsory, and you must write an essay which shows your opinion about the topic, using two ideas you’re given and one idea of your own. Then you have a choice of three questions, and you must choose one. You’ll need to write an article, an email/letter, a report or a review
There are four parts in the Listening paper, and there is a mixture of monologues (one speaker) and dialogues (two or more speakers). The tasks include answering multiple-choice questions about short and longer texts; completing notes while you listen to a longer text; and matching options to short monologues.
The Speaking test starts with general conversation between the examiner and each candidate. Then you take turns to speak for about 1 minute about two photographs. In Part 3, you discuss a decision-making task with the other candidate. Finally you will discuss topics related to the task in Part 3.